Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It is Still Cold

Ran (indoors) for the first time in a week after I was incapacitated by a bad cold. The 20 minutes of running was the only time all day when I didn't cough.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Distance: 6 miles
Pace: 8:10

Lack of sleep and a strong east wind made this tough.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Distance: 5 miles
Pace: 8:10

Weather turning a page, as it will. Fifty degrees and it felt a little too hot, and that's troubling.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Distance: 4 miles
Pace: Under an 8-minute mile

Could feel the extra distance this time, and the mile I added came with several more hills. The good news is that I felt noticeably stronger than last week. Still very tired the rest of the day, absurdly so for four miles.

Buds on the trees, daffodil stalks are up, and on the bushes a certain kind of tiny yellow flower.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


In the 20-degree range this morning. Yet in all other respects, it's March. Lawns are shifting to green, as they usually do at this time. Birds happy, etc.